
a collection of published research work in condensed matter physics


  1. Bulk and surface states carried supercurrent in ballistic Nb-Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 nanowire-Nb junctions
    Cai-Zhen Li, Chuan Li, Li-Xian Wang, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review B, 2018


  1. Gate-tuned Aharonov-Bohm interference of surface states in a quasiballistic Dirac semimetal nanowire
    Ben-Chuan Lin, Shuo Wang, Li-Xian Wang, and 4 more authors
    Physical Review B, 2017


  1. Aharonov–Bohm oscillations in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 nanowires
    Li-Xian Wang, Cai-Zhen Li, Da-Peng Yu, and 1 more author
    Nature communications, 2016
  2. Universal conductance fluctuations in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 nanowires
    Li-Xian Wang, Shuo Wang, Jin-Guang Li, and 3 more authors
    Physical Review B, 2016
  3. Two-carrier transport induced Hall anomaly and large tunable magnetoresistance in Dirac semimetal Cd3As2 nanoplates
    Cai-Zhen Li, Jin-Guang Li, Li-Xian Wang, and 4 more authors
    ACS nano, 2016


  1. Giant negative magnetoresistance induced by the chiral anomaly in individual Cd3As2 nanowires
    Cai-Zhen Li, Li-Xian Wang, Haiwen Liu, and 3 more authors
    Nature communications, 2015
  2. Zeeman effect on surface electron transport in topological insulator Bi2Se3 nanoribbons
    Li-Xian Wang, Yuan Yan, Liang Zhang, and 3 more authors
    Nanoscale, 2015
  3. Gate-modulated weak anti-localization and carrier trapping in individual Bi2Se3 nanoribbons
    Li-Xian Wang, Yuan Yan, Zhi-Min Liao, and 1 more author
    Applied Physics Letters, 2015


  1. High-mobility Bi2Se3 nanoplates manifesting quantum oscillations of surface states in the sidewalls
    Yuan Yan, Li-Xian Wang, Xiaoxing Ke, and 4 more authors
    Scientific reports, 2014


  1. Large magnetoresistance in high mobility topological insulator Bi2Se3
    Yuan Yan, Li-Xian Wang, Da-Peng Yu, and 1 more author
    Applied Physics Letters, 2013